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This class takes place in a High School art room and focuses four different calligraphy hands.  Calligraphy is a ½ year course, and will be offered for 9-12 graders. The class will be broken up into four sections; each section will be a different calligraphy hand. Even though each hand has different specific techniques and strokes, each section will be set up similarly. There will be an introduction to the hand, along with history behind it. Students will practice the techniques, which will then lead into forming letters. Students will practice the upper case and lower case alphabet, and at the end, complete a final project. Each final project for each hand will be different. Students will be assessed on their homework and class work, and will be graded using a rubric for their final projects.

Lesson Plans:

Standards Addressed:

New Jersey Core Curriculum Visual and Performing Arts Curriculum-

  • 1.12.D.1- Distinguish innovative applications of the elements of art and principles of design in visual artworks from diverse cultural perspectives and identify specific cross-cultural themes.
  • 1.12.D.2- Translate literary, musical, theatrical, and dance compositions by using them as stimulus/inspiration for corresponding visual artworks.
  • 2.12.A.1- Determine how dance, music, theater, and visual art have influenced world cultures throughout history.
  • 2.12.A.2- Justify the impact of innovations in the arts (e.g., the availability of music online) on societal norms and habits of mind in various historical eras.
  • 3.12.D.1- Synthesize the elements of art and principles of design in an original portfolio of two- and three-dimensional artworks that reflects personal style and a high degree of technical proficiency and expressivity.
  • 3.12.D.2- Produce an original body of artwork in one or more art mediums that demonstrates mastery of visual literacy, methods, techniques, and cultural understanding.
  • 3.12.D.4- Analyze the syntax and compositional and stylistic principles of two- and three-dimensional artworks in multiple art media (including computer-assisted artwork), and interpret themes and symbols suggested by the artworks.
  • 4.12.A.1- Use contextual clues to differentiate between unique and common properties and to discern the cultural implications of works of dance, music, theatre, and visual art.
  • 4.12.A.3- Develop informed personal responses to an assortment of artworks across the four arts disciplines (dance, music, theatre, and visual art), using historical significance, craftsmanship, cultural context, and originality as criteria for assigning value to the works.

New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards: Technology

  • 2.12.D.1- Information-literacy skills, research, data analysis, and prediction provide the basis for the effective design of technology systems.
  • 1.12.A.1- Construct a spreadsheet, enter data, and use mathematical or logical functions to manipulate data, generate charts and graphs, and interpret the results.
  • 1.12.A.3- Participate in online courses, learning communities, social networks, or virtual worlds and recognize them as resources for lifelong learning.
  • 1.12.B.1- The use of digital tools and media-rich resources enhances creativity and the construction of knowledge.
  • 1.12.C.1- Digital tools and environments support the learning process and foster collaboration in solving local or global issues and problems
  • 1.12.E.1- Effective use of digital tools assists in gathering and managing information.
  • 1.12.F.1- Information accessed through the use of digital tools assists in generating solutions and making decisions.

21st Century Skills:

  • 1.8.C.1: Determine an individual’s responsibility for personal actions and contributions to group activities.
  • 1.8.C.2: Demonstrate the use of compromise, consensus, and community building strategies for carrying out different tasks, assignments, and projects.
  • 1.8.D.2: Demonstrate the ability to understand inferences.
  • 1.8.D.3: Use effective communication skills in face-to-face and online interactions with peers and adults from home and from diverse cultures.

Essential Questions and Objectives:

Objectives– Students will be able to:

  • Distinguish the different details, techniques, and characteristics that are indicative of the calligraphy hands that will be discussed during this course, Roman, Uncial, Gothic, and Old English
  • Create four successful final projects, using the details, techniques and characteristics of each calligraphy hand, with a twist of their own artistic influence.
  • Know the multicultural history behind each calligraphy hand, and how it influenced the art of writing.
  • Know the different writing mediums used in the historical art periods, and have a chance to use the mediums for their projects.
  • Develop the hand eye coordination and writing skills that are valuable for all areas of visual art.
  • Use the website as a valuable resource when absent, needs extra practice, or extra work.

 Scaffolding Knowledge:

Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences:

  • Visual-Spatial:
    • This is addressed during the art making process when students have to write in calligraphy.
  • Bodily-Kinesthetic:
    • This is addressed during the art making process when students are writing, or getting up to gather supplies.
  • Musical:
    • This will be addressed when students watch and listen to a video tutorial.
  • Interpersonal:
    • Students will be sitting with in a group setting, and will be encouraged to ask their peers for guidance when needed.
  • Intrapersonal:
    • This will be addressed during the art making process when they are writing in calligraphy.
  • Linguistic:
    • This will be addressed during the art making process since we are writing words and poems.
  • Logical-Mathematical:
    • This will be addressed when students have to comprehend the best layout for their lettering.

 Gregorcs Learning Styles:

  • Concrete Sequential:
    • This learner will excel during this course because it is very structured, directionally driven, and each hand will be taught in a similar fashion
  • Concrete Random:
    • This learner will excel during this course because they will be able to take risks when laying out their projects. They will have a chance to create the lay out the way they want it.
  • Abstract Sequential:
    • This learner will excel during this course because they will be able to analyze their calligraphy layout before committing to it. Also, they will be able to apply problem-solving techniques if their layout does not work.
  • Abstract Random:
    • This learner will excel during this course because it is in a group setting, and has to listen for directions.

 Blooms Taxonomy:

  • Remembering-
    • Students will learn different techniques, details, and characteristics of each hand, and will have to remember each to apply them to their projects.
  • Understanding-
    • Students will practice each hand, using the techniques, details, and characteristics of each hand.
  • Applying-
    • Students will apply the newly learned techniques during daily practice and again for their final project for each hand.
  • Analyzing-
    • Students will compare and contrast the techniques, details, and characteristics of each hand.
  • Evaluating-
    • Before handing in their final projects, students will be using a checklist to make sure they are using the proper techniques, details, and characteristics of each hand.
  • Creating-
    • Students will be creating different final projects for each hand, they will make a greeting card, illustrating a quote, designing their full names, and making a wall hanging, all in the calligraphy hands.

Sense and Meaning

Sense and meaning is very important when it comes to students remembering new information. New information has to make sense and have meaning in order for students to understand and remember the information. The calligraphy website helps students comprehend what calligraphy is all about.  For each hand, students learn about the history behind it, how it derived, and why it is important.  This helps with the meaning of the hand.  Students have to practice the letters which are broken down into strokes, and put together stroke by stroke to show how the letter is made.  This helps make sense of the hand and helps students understand how to make letters.

Modifications and Accommodations:

  • One on one assistance when needed
  • Guide sheets printed out
  • Students who have accommodations will be granted extra time if needed.
  • Extra help when needed


Calligraphy touches on most student’s learning styles.  This is hands-on class where students are creating art.  Students will be working to their own ability, and will be graded as such.  Some ways to differentiate instruction for students are:

  • The option to have guides sheets on the internet or printed out.
  • Teacher demonstration on pen techniques provided for each calligraphy hand
  • Visible examples of final hand projects
  • Videos available on YouTube for extra practice

Online Resources:

The Roman Hand

The Uncial Hand

The Gothic Hand

The Old English Hand


Students will be assess on their final hand projects by using a Rubric based on the art making process:

Designed by Lindsey Almeida


Last Update: 04/21/2015

MSET: This project contains academic projects meant for student learning. This site is not for profit and does not imply endorsement by any company or educational institution.

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